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Now Playing at the Packard Campus Theater (October 8, 2015)

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The following is a guest post by Jenny Paxson, an Administrative Assistant at the Packard Campus.

The Errand Boy (Paramount, 1961)

Thursday, October 8 (7:30 p.m.) The Errand Boy (Paramount, 1961) Following the great success of his directorial debut with The Bellboy (playing at Culpeper’s historic State Theatre in cooperation with the Library of Congress on October 9 as part of “An Evening with Jerry Lewis”) Jerry Lewis wrote, directed and starred in this hilarious spoof of what goes on behind-the-scenes in a big Hollywood Studio. As simple-minded bumbler Morty Tashman, Lewis is hired by the big boss of Paramutual Pictures (Brian Donlevy) as a spy to find out why the studio is losing money. Lewis proceeds to wreak havoc as he wanders into a series of mishaps at the lot, looking for items to add to his report. The supporting cast includes such comedy favorites as Howard McNear, Sig Ruman, Benny Rubin, Fritz Feld, Doodles Weaver, Snub Pollard, Kathleen Freeman and Joe Besser. Also on the program are selections from the Library of Congress’ Jerry Lewis collection. 92 min. For more information on our programs, please visit the web site at NOTE:  All screenings are subject to change.

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