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Digital Stewards are Invited to Comment

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NDSA card, by wlef70, on Flickr
NDSA card, by wlef70, on Flickr

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is offering the opportunity for interested individuals and organizations to provide recommendations on approaches for ensuring long-term stewardship and encouraging broad public access to unclassified digital data that result from federally funded scientific research. Responses should be submitted by January 12, 2012.

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Coordinating Committee has submitted a response (PDF 42 Kb)  based upon the Alliance’s mission and goals.  Members of the NDSA are committed to managing digital content for current and long-term use. Individually, these organizations support the management of digital resources and are committed to protecting our nation’s cultural, scientific, scholarly, and business heritage. The Alliance has over 100 members from educational institutions, non-profit organizations, businesses and local, state and federal government agencies, as well affiliations with international organizations.

If you or your organization would like to respond, there is still time.

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