The following is a guest post by Roberta Shaffer, associate librarian for Library Services at the Library of Congress. Each day in my adult life I am reminded, if not rejuvenated, by childhood rituals that I continue to practice—one of which is my “required daily allowance” of poetry. The need for poetry in my everyday …
The following is a guest post by Abby Yochelson, English and American Literature Reference specialist at the Library of Congress’s Main Reading Room, Humanities and Social Sciences Division. As Rob Casper and Peter Armenti have introduced themselves in previous blogs, I’ll try to tell you a little about myself here. My name is Abby Yochelson, …
The Poetry and Literature Center would like to wish Philip Levine a happy 84th birthday! The Library’s 18th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry gave a vivacious and engaging reading last October, and we look forward to his return this spring.
Happy New Year, and welcome to the inaugural post for “From the Catbird Seat: Poetry and Literature at the Library of Congress.” My name is Robert Casper—I am the head of the Library’s Poetry and Literature Center, and am pleased to welcome you here. This blog is one of the features of the Center, located …