The following post is part of our monthly series, “Literary Treasures,” which highlights audio and video recordings drawn from the Library’s extensive online collections, including the Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature. By showcasing the works and thoughts of some of the greatest poets and writers from the past 75 years, the series advances the Library’s …
It’s been a full week since Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden announced Tracy K. Smith as the 22nd Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry. As you can imagine, our new Laureate has been keeping herself busy: After the announcement, dozens of interviews and articles have appeared about her appointment, her view of the Laureateship, and her …
We’ve had a wild, whimsical ride this past year with Catalina Neon and her bandana-clad dog, Tortilla. From gooey plants to laser beams to secret tunnels to carrot astronauts in the Galactic Poetry Cosmic Library, Catalina and Tortilla have been through it all—with a love for poetry guiding them along. Today, Poet Laureate Juan Felipe …
The following guest post is by Caroline Harris, a summer 2017 intern in the Poetry and Literature Center. I wrote my first poem on the second day of sixth grade. It was called “Ode to an Artichoke.” In rhyming couplets, I praised every aspect of my favorite vegetable. No stranger to hyperbole, I labeled artichokes …
The following post was written by Rob Casper, head of the Poetry and Literature Center. Though our spring season is officially over, much is still going on at the Poetry and Literature Center. We are looking forward to announcing the next Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry in a couple of weeks—to that end, last week …