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Category: News and Events

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Remembering Our Laureates

Posted by: Robert Casper

As this year comes to an end, and a new one begins, I want to take a moment to remember a few people dear to the Poetry and Literature Center that passed away. Today I want to focus on two former Poets Laureate, Maxine Kumin and Mark Strand. I had the good fortune of meeting …

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A Terrific Beginning

Posted by: Robert Casper

On Thursday, September 25th, Charles Wright officially began his term as the 20th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry at the Library of Congress with a reading in the historic Coolidge Auditorium. There was a host of media coverage before and after the reading, including the following: A preview of the reading, by Book World editor …

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Coming Soon: the Opening Moment

Posted by: Robert Casper

In just a couple of days, 20th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry Charles Wright will give his opening reading at the Library of Congress. I was thrilled to see Ron Charles at The Washington Post help spread the word, and even suggest that the Laureate wear a suit! Rumor has it that the acclaimed poet …

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The Post-Final Grand Finale

Posted by: Robert Casper

Please forgive me—I couldn’t help that title! And I’m going to do a little bit of jumping around in this post. First, I want to let you know that tonight the final segment of “Where Poetry Lives” is airing on the PBS NewsHour. This segment brought our Laureate to Los Angeles, where she learned more …

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Tonight’s the Night!

Posted by: Robert Casper

It’s hard to believe that tonight Natasha Trethewey will conclude her laureateship. Just to remind you, here are the details: Wednesday, May 14, 7:00 PM POET LAUREATE FINAL LECTURE Natasha Trethewey will deliver her final lecture to conclude her second term as Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry and the spring literary season at the Library …

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Laureate Projects Present and Past

Posted by: Robert Casper

Tonight the next segment of Natasha Trethewey’s second-year project, “Where Poetry Lives,” airs on the PBS NewsHour. For this segment, Natasha traveled to her native Mississippi to participate in the 14th Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage, led by Congressman John Lewis. This segment marks a turn for the project: the first four highlighted poetry programs with …

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Finding “Where Poetry Lives”

Posted by: Robert Casper

Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey’s second-term project, “Where Poetry Lives,” has offered her the opportunity to see first-hand how poetry strengthens our communities. She has travelled from coast-to-coast and met people from different backgrounds and at different parts of their lives, all of whom connected to her and to each other through the art. I wrote …