There are still tickets left for our two upcoming events at the Library, with acclaimed author Ian McEwan (Sept. 22nd) and U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón (Sept. 29th).
The following is a post by Neely Tucker, a writer-editor in the Library’s Office of Communication. It originally appeared on the Library of Congress Blog. Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden today announced the appointment of Ada Limón as the nation’s 24th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry for 2022-2023. Limón will take up her duties in …
The following is a post by Rob Casper, head of the Poetry and Literature Center. Last fall, I was honored to travel to Arizona to participate in the Poetry Coalition’s annual gathering. The coalition, which numbers more than 20 members in 11 cities across the country, was founded three years ago to raise the profile …
The following cross-post was written by Catalina Gómez and originally appeared on the Library of Congress “Teaching with the Library” blog. Catalina Gomez Describe what you do at the Library of Congress and the materials you work with. I am a reference librarian in the Library’s Hispanic Reading Room, which serves as a research center …
The following is a guest post by Laura Lannan, a Poetry and Literature Center Intern for Summer/Fall 2015. I honestly can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have poetry—my first books were poetry collections, my first loves were poets, and the first things I ever wrote were poems. My parents were avid …
The following is a cross-post by Stephen Winick, writer and editor at the Library of Congress’s American Folklife Center, for the Library’s Folklife Today blog. At AFC, we’re excited about the Library’s new Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry, Juan Felipe Herrera. He’s a fascinating person and a great poet, and he has a deep interest …
The following is a cross-post from the Insights: Scholarly Work at the John W. Kluge Center, from Program Specialist Jason Steinhauer. Poet and biographer Muriel Rukeyser documented and commented on the seismic events of the 20th century. In her five decades of writing, she captured her experiences as witness to racial inequality in America, the …
On Thursday, September 25th, Charles Wright officially began his term as the 20th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry at the Library of Congress with a reading in the historic Coolidge Auditorium. There was a host of media coverage before and after the reading, including the following: A preview of the reading, by Book World editor …
Last Monday at 10:00 AM, Poetry and Literature Center staffer Matt Blakley and I went down to the second floor of the Jefferson Building with a cart of materials—wedges and stands, signs and cards, and a few precious objects. There we met with Leslie Girard, the LC staffer in charge of the Library’s new Agile …