This week’s interview is with Jennifer Davis, a collection specialist and supervisor of the technical services librarians in our Collection Services Division at the Law Library of Congress. Describe your background. I am from Baltimore, and I grew up mainly in Maryland, but all my family and friends are from different cultures, so I grew …
The following interview is with Michael Promisel, a summer intern working in the Collection Services Division of the Law Library of Congress. It is part of a series of interviews that introduce our summer interns to In Custodia Legis readers. Describe your background Although I cannot proclaim a direct line of descent, my background can …
This post is an interview with Mark Niedziela. Mark is working in the Collection Services Division of the Law Library of Congress as part of the institution’s Junior Fellows Program. The program’s focus is to increase access to our collections for our various patron groups. Describe your background. I was born in New Jersey and …
This week’s interview is with Joan Weeks, who is working at the Law Library of Congress as a Fellow in the Library of Congress Leadership Development Program. Describe your background I guess I am a rare native of the Washington area since I was born in Alexandria, Virginia, grew up in Falls Church and graduated …
This week’s interview is with Richard “Ken” Sigmund, a Library Technician for Inventory and Physical Control in our Collection Services Division. Describe your background. I am a native Marylander. Baltimore is my hometown and I have also lived in Silver Spring, Lexington Park, and Prince George’s County. I recently moved into Washington, DC but I …
Describe your background I am a native of the Washington, DC metropolitan area, but I have strong Italian roots. My father’s parents were immigrants from Italy. My mother was born in Italy and moved to the United States at the age of 11. My parents, who recently celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary, met on a …
This week’s interview is with Nathan Dorn, who is a rare book technician in our Collection Services Division. Nathan is no stranger to In Custodia Legis; he recently wrote a guest piece on the Law Library’s Jewish law collection. Describe your background. I’ve been working at the Law Library for just over five years, first …
This week’s interview is with Megan Lulofs, who is a contractor from CGI working in our Collection Services Division as a Library Technician and as an independent consultant in our Public Services Division. Describe your background. I have worked in various positions throughout the Law Library, and I have been here off and on for …
This week’s interview is with Agnieszka “Aga” Pukniel, a Library Technician in our Collection Services Division. Describe your background. I was born in a nice little town near Gdansk, located by the Baltic Sea in Poland. I lived there till I was 19, when I moved to the United States. I spent four years in …
This week’s interview is with Elizabeth Moore, a librarian in our Collection Services Division. Describe your background I’m a native New Orleanian, who lived there until coming to the Law Library in 2008. I grew up fourth in a family of six children. My father was a biology professor and a naturalist and my …