The following is a guest post by Brad Greenberg, counsel for policy and international affairs. This month marks the hundredth anniversary of oral arguments in the seminal U.S. Supreme Court case of International News Service v. Associated Press (1918), which established the federal common law doctrine of “hot news” misappropriation. This anniversary comes at a …
The following is a guest post by Frances Carden, technical writer in the Copyright Modernization Office. The buzz around here has been big–you may remember my April post about the establishment of the Copyright Modernization Office (CMO) that directs all modernization initiatives across the U.S. Copyright Office–and it’s getting bigger and bolder. On May 7, …
The following is a guest post by Jason E. Sloan, attorney advisor, Office of General Counsel. Last Wednesday, the House of Representatives unanimously passed the Music Modernization Act (H.R. 5447) by an impressive vote of 415 to 0. Why is this important? Because if the bill is passed by the Senate and enacted into law, …