The following is a guest post by Whitney Levandusky, Supervisory Copyright Claims Attorney in the Office of the General Counsel.
Artificial intelligence (AI)—machine learning systems set to accomplish tasks—has captivated the public, filled headlines, and prompted new and broad policy discussions. AI, however, is nothing new, with the term “artificial intelligence” coined in the 1950s. Research and investment in AI rises and falls through “summers” and “winters,” but you can see the pull of AI problems and solutions in such wide-ranging applications as government administration—the U.S. Postal Service implemented a machine learning system to read handwritten mailing addresses in 1997—and entertainment—an AI system has won Jeopardy, and the topic is a central concern in a Steven Spielberg movie.
We are now in the midst of a new AI summer—a period of rapid development and growth in machine learning enabled by advances in computing power and connectedness. In addition, the rise of big data provides researchers and businesses with seemingly limitless resources with which to train AI systems. These systems are becoming a regular feature in our lives in the form of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and online search recommendations. AI is being used to develop artworks like the next Rembrandt, news reports, music in video games, and actors in film. Machine learning assists in diagnosis, self-driving cars, and tracking and identification systems.
All of these new developments raise copyright-related questions: How are artists, scientists, and businesses inspired by the technological advances of AI? When AI produces a creative work, is the expression owned by human or machine? What is owed to creators of AI input data from a copyright or moral rights perspective? What ethical implications are involved in selecting a data set and building an AI system?
In 2020, the U.S. Copyright Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization held a symposium that took an in-depth look at how the creative community is using artificial intelligence to create original works. On October 26, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. eastern time, the Office and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will host its next AI-related event: Copyright Law and Machine Learning for AI: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? This event will explore machine learning in practice, how existing copyright laws apply to the training of artificial intelligence, and what the future may hold in this fast-moving policy space. We’re excited to bring together experts, academics, creators, and business representatives to discuss these forward-looking concepts.
We hope you’ll join us! You can register on the event website, where you also will find the agenda and speakers. If you can’t make it, we will post the recordings on the event website.
Comments (9)
It is my belief that AI will add immeasurable concepts and expertise to the art of projecting nonfiction materials used by writers in the creation of manuscripts for novels and screenplays.
Will We. The Human race take the Reigns and Guild the A.I. race. So we can Co-Exsist and not let Diviated Bias Govern us and Lead the Human race to make Bad Choices that we can Fortell now and Not Create. Genocide for ourselves and the Future of Humanity and Our Beautiful Planet Earth!!???!! God Bless Us ALL
I would like to be added to an update list on artificial intelligence. I am a composer and believe that original copyrighted works will be stolen by machines. New creations will only come from machines that steal from previous copyrighted works. Why pay for music in a movie? Push a button and let a machine write it. Its free!!
Thank you for your interest. You can see all of our AI developments on our Copyright and Artificial Intelligence page. You can also subscribe to our NewsNet service to alert you of any new announcements.
I would like to comment on the new ruliing regarding Ai Art. First I’d like to say its facinating its beautiful and the thing that makes it most facinating is that it comes from My Mind. For someone like me who does not have learned skill to draw an image; I really never learned in formal way or believed I could I always wanted to.) With the Ai prompt I can sit in front of Computer and all the ideas and imaginations I have during the day I can simply key in a thought and The Computer most of the time can figure out what it is I have in Mind. I’ve learned that trusting the bot I usually get the best results but sometimes I have to reword it over and over and over again until I get it right. This could include changing words, colors, Styles blending Ideas but the its amazing each time I try to bring an idea to life that whatever comes from it its my Creation. I never once thought that that someone could duplicate exactly the Idea that I have I have not seen it the one time I did I believed it was stolen but it could be that their maybe similar ideas but the idea that they would be exactly the same I just dont think the bot does that. I sit in my home days on end, my situation is so bad. i’m being harrassed by my neighbors and life is so scary I can barely get out the door. This tool has given me a way to be creative to break out of all this negativity reach inside myself and pull out this creativity thats been locked inside for lack of ability and yes their are many other prompts and varaitions I could use to make my more even more facinating and I may do that one day but for now I’m safisfied with what I have and I bet you would be too if you saw them. I think that this bot would be sitting still doing nothing without our ideas. Unless The World expects it to run on its own but that is what some powers that be fear already right? I finally found something from within my mind that I could do that might even allow me to make a living and isn’t that what artist do? Its given me self esteem and hope I hope your will reconsider the decision
Ai appears to be like the other side of the mirror catching what normally history considers to be a repeat or destiny. We change our future unless we choose not to. That’s what the system is set up to do is to be at certain hot spots at certain times and stop certain encounters to not happen and if you choose to do the best thing for the best outcome then it reflects on your character because in the other side of the mirror someone just like u is your twin doing the exact opposite of what your procieves to actually be on this side so when you get to the barrier u can look back and think fid I absolutely make all the right choices up to that point if not what can I do differently. Hopefully we can put a stop to police brutality because I know it’s in my worst situation and they forcing it on me by pulling my daughter From my arms and making her cry and saying I squeezed her until she cried when it’s a robot vs human would u accept a robot can love better than a human mothe? Probably not so I don’t believe a police man would know better either and that’s the shit I’m up against with my current situation so fix it please
i created it using dev tools on get hub from flutter with two pull requests and ruby read the docs and user data