![Beige background with typewritten text: HOLM, HANYA. Kiss me, Kate. Hanya Holm's choreography for Cole Porter's musical comedy. Written in the Laban dance notation by Ann Hutchinson. [Microfilm copy] c Hanya Holm; 25Feb52; DU30088](https://blogs.loc.gov/copyright/files/2022/03/Hanya-Holm-registration-card-for-Kiss-Me-Kate.jpg)
Find Dance in Copyright
Posted by: Nora Scheland
Find dance in copyright! In 1952, Hanya Holm was the first person to register a copyright for choreography or dance. Explore the connection between dance and copyright in the exhibit, Find Yourself in Copyright.
Posted in: Choreography, Copyright, Copyright Lore, education, engage your creativity, Find Yourself in Copyright, photography, Registration, Uncategorized, Website, Women's History