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Category: education

First Novel by a Native American Writer to Win a Pulitzer Prize House Made of Dawn by N. Scott Momaday

Celebrating the Firsts: First Novel by a Native American Writer to Win a Pulitzer Prize

Posted by: Nora Scheland

This Native American Heritage Month, we are celebrating the "firsts" in a blog series called, "Celebrating the Firsts: Shining a Light on Trailblazing Artwork by Native Artists." This blog features the first novel by a Native American writer to win the Pulitzer Prize. The novel is called House Made of Dawn and was written by N. Scott Momaday (Kiowa).

First painting by a Native American Artist Acquired by the National Gallery of Art: I See Red: Target by Jaune Quick-to-See Smith

Celebrating the Firsts: First Painting by a Native American Artist Acquired by the National Gallery of Art

Posted by: Nora Scheland

This Native American Heritage Month, we are celebrating the "firsts" in a blog series called, "Celebrating the Firsts: Shining a Light on Trailblazing Artwork by Native Artists." This blog features the first painting by a Native American artist acquired by the National Gallery of Art. The painting is called I See Red: Target and is by Juane Quick-to-See Smith (Confederated Salish and Kootenai Nation).

Black man sits at desk wearing headphones talking into a microphone

The Copyright Claims Board Is Here: Find Out If It’s Right for You!

Posted by: Nora Scheland

The Copyright Claims Board (CCB) is now open for business and accepting claims. Learn more about whether the CCB is for you, what to do if you want to initiate a claim or if a claim has been filed against you, and where to get more information.

Bright white and orange sticker that says "Hello my name is" followed by a blank white space

What’s in a Name: Using Pseudonyms When Registering Works with the Copyright Office

Posted by: Nora Scheland

The following is a guest post by Jessica Chinnadurai, a registration specialist at the U.S. Copyright Office. My first name, Jessica, was the most popular baby girl name in the 1990s. My last name, Chinnadurai, is a unique surname with origins in southern India. The dichotomy has resulted in me being fascinated by names. We …

Get to Know the Territory: Musicals Based on Public Domain Works

Posted by: Nora Scheland

Do you hear the people sing, singing the songs inspired by the public domain? Broadways musicals have a long tradition of pulling inspiration from the plays, short stories, operas, and more in the public domain. Let's take a look at five musicals and what inspired them.