This post is adapted from an article written by Copyright Claims Officers Brad Newberg, Monica McCabe, and David Carson about how the CCB can help lighten the federal docket that was originally published in The Judges’ Journal, Volume 63, Number 4, Fall 2024.
The Copyright Office recently released "Copyright and Artificial Intelligence, Part 1: Digital Replicas," the first Part of its Report examining the legal and policy issues related to artificial intelligence and copyright.
In 2022, the U.S. Copyright Office welcomed Dr. Brent Lutes to serve as the Office’s first chief economist. Office staff recently sat down with Dr. Lutes and discussed the intersection of economics and copyright as well as some forthcoming economic research the Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) is producing. What is the mission of …
This blog post previews the next steps of the U.S. Copyright Office’s comprehensive initiative to examine the copyright implications of the current forms of generative AI and shares highlights from a recent copyright and AI initiative update letter to Congress from Register of Copyrights Shira Perlmutter.
This blog post introduces the U.S. Copyright Office’s newest Learning Engine video, “History of Copyright,” which chronicles the history of copyright and the Copyright Office. The Office has released the video, and this blog post, timed with the 234th anniversary of the Congressional bill that eventually became the first federal copyright law.