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Category: legislation

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The Copyright Claims Board Is Here: Find Out If It’s Right for You!

Posted by: Nora Scheland

The Copyright Claims Board (CCB) is now open for business and accepting claims. Learn more about whether the CCB is for you, what to do if you want to initiate a claim or if a claim has been filed against you, and where to get more information.

Promoting Progress: Celebrating the Constitution’s Intellectual Property Clause

Posted by: Alison Hall

Today is Constitution Day, which is a day of great celebration in copyright. In addition to all of the other treasures in the Constitution, of which there are many, our country's founding document includes the foundation for U.S. copyright law. In article 1, section 8, clause 8, the Constitution states that Congress has the power to enact laws to "promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries." And Congress obliged, passing the first federal copyright law in 1790, updating it throughout the years to address the changing times.

students connecting around the world through computers

TEACHing from a Distance and Copyright Considerations

Posted by: Holland Gormley

The following is a guest post by David Welkowitz, attorney-advisor in the Office of the General Counsel. As the spread of COVID-19 causes schools—particularly colleges and universities—to switch to distance education, it is a good time to review an important part of the educational landscape: copyright. Don’t let the word copyright alarm you; copyright law …

Gold foil seal of stylized eagle surrounded by a large letter

The Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act

Posted by: Karyn A. Temple

Today is an exciting day for copyright law. The president has signed the Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act, and the United States will soon formally deposit instruments to join this treaty. Five years ago, on June 27, 2013, the international copyright community adopted the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are …