Earlier this year, on January 1, new group of creative works entered the public domain in the United States. Learn more about some of the works published in 1927 that anyone can now use without the copyright owner’s permission.
Los registros de la Oficina del Derecho de Autor constan de millones de registros y archivos de hispanos y latinoamericanos, mucho de los cuales presentan obras que comparten sus culturas y tradiciones y enriquecen la nación. Estamos celebrando el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con algunas canciones reconocibles impregnadas de la cultura musical hispana.
The Copyright Office’s records comprise millions of registrations and recorded documents from Hispanic and Latin Americans, many featuring works that share their cultures and traditions and enrich the nation. We're celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with few recognizable songs steeped in Hispanic musical culture.
On January 1, thousands of 1924 works entered the public domain. An important part of the copyright lifecycle, you can use works in the public domain freely to inspire your own creativity. Explore some of the notable additions from George and Ira Gershwin, Buster Keaton, W. E. B. Du Bois, and more.