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Category: music

Header for the blog post with title of post and picture of a women playing the guitar and singing into a microphone

Seis canciones para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Posted by: Nicole McNew Chen

Los registros de la Oficina del Derecho de Autor constan de millones de registros y archivos de hispanos y latinoamericanos, mucho de los cuales presentan obras que comparten sus culturas y tradiciones y enriquecen la nación. Estamos celebrando el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con algunas canciones reconocibles impregnadas de la cultura musical hispana.

Celebratory photos of Black families and copyrightable materials like music and books

A Family of Creative Works in Celebration of Black History Month

Posted by: Holland Gormley

The following is a guest post by Annette James, a program coordinator at the U.S. Copyright Office. As I reflect upon the 2021 Black History Month theme, The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity, the word family captures a wealth of emotions. It calls up memories of childhood and retrospection on lessons learned. It brings …

The Roaring Twenties Welcome Artificial Intelligence: How Will It All Play Out?

Posted by: Alison Hall

The music industry in the 1920s was forever changed with the introduction of the radio. Radio enabled music dissemination at an unprecedented rate and allowed live performers to reach millions of people at home, thereby fundamentally altering pre-existing business models. In the 2020s, one hundred years later, the industry is yet again facing a potentially industry-changing new technology. This time, however, it is the force of artificial intelligence (AI) that will transform the way in which business models and the music creation processes work.