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Copyright Homepage

Celebrating Women’s History Month: The Gee’s Bend Quilters and Copyright

Photograph of U.S. representative signing Marrakesh Treaty

The Marrakesh Treaty in Action: Exciting Progress in Access to Published Works for the Blind and Print-Disabled Communities

Celebratory photos of Black families and copyrightable materials like music and books

A Family of Creative Works in Celebration of Black History Month

The Enduring Copyright Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

A cartoon hourglass is in the center of a blue background. Light shines out on both sides. On the left inside the light are three grey circles. One has a white music note icon, another has an open book icon, and the third has a movie roll icon. On the right in the light are three colored circle. The red circle contains the note icon, the blue circle contains the book icon, and the yellow circle contains a play button icon.

The Lifecycle of Copyright: 1925 Works Enter the Public Domain

person's hands at a keyboard with headphones nearby

Three New Year’s Resolutions for Songwriters

Computer screen showing the upcoming look of the updated website.

Coming Soon: New Look and Navigation for

Photo of Sojourner Truth's carte de visite

Sojourner Truth and the Power of Copyright Registration

Six Copyright Concepts Your K-12 Students Should Know