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Category: Books & Author Programs

Two moderators and 3 authors laugh together on stage at the National Book Festival.

Best of the National Book Festival 2022: Young Adult

Posted by: Alli Hartley-Kong

This is a guest post by Sasha Dowdy, a program specialist in the Literary Initiatives Office. It was originally published in the National Book Festival blog.  The Young Adult stage was a busy spot at the National Book Festival this year, for both teens, adults and everyone in-between. Plus, we welcomed three teen moderators on …

Jason Reynolds poses with his ambassador medal against a black background

Closing Celebration for National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature Jason Reynolds

Posted by: Alli Hartley-Kong

This post was co-written by Monica Valentine and Alli Hartley-Kong of the Library’s Informal Learning Office On January 16, 2020, award-winning writer Jason Reynolds began his tenure as the seventh National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature. While the role of the ambassador is to “raise national awareness of the importance of young people’s literature,” Reynolds …

Two authors sit on the stage at the National Book Festival. Nic Stone is a Black woman with long hair, and Kwame Alexander is a bald Black man speaking animatedly with his hands.

Best of the Festival 2022: Kid Lit

Posted by: Alli Hartley-Kong

This post was written by Sasha Dowdy, a program specialist in the Literary Initiatives Office. It was originally published in the National Book Festival blog. The National Book Festival has always welcomed families and children, and this year was no exception. On the KidLit stage, the stage devoted to middle-grade writers and their latest books. …

Two children seated at a table handling items, with an adult standing over them

Children’s and YA Latin American and Latinx Literature: Webcast and Family Discussion Questions

Posted by: Alli Hartley-Kong

This post was authored by Sasha Dowdy, a program specialist in the Library’s literary initiative team. Last year, the Hispanic Reading Room partnered with the the Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs (CLASP) to  celebrate children’s and young adult Latin American and Latinx literature with a virtual webcast. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we …

Two children seated at a table handling items, with an adult standing over them

Victory. Stand! Meet Tommie Smith, Human Rights Activist at the 1968 Olympics

Posted by: Alli Hartley-Kong

This post was written by Monica Valentine, Program Specialist in the Library’s Center for Literacy, Learning and Engagement 1968 was a turbulent year. Dr. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated, and protest movements echoed across the world. The summer Olympics in Mexico City were no exception to this backdrop. During the medal ceremony, …

Two children seated at a table handling items, with an adult standing over them

Remembering Norman Mineta

Posted by: Sasha Dowdy

This is a guest post by Informal Learning Office’s virtual intern, Eori Tokunaga.  Norman Yoshio Mineta, who passed away earlier this month, had a long and influential history in American politics and was a proponent of restitution for Japanese American families who were incarcerated during World War II. We are celebrating his contributions to this …