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Archive: January 2014 (2 Posts)

A man playing a guitar and singing to a close crowd of a dozen or so men and women

Alan Lomax and the Voyager Golden Records

Posted by: Nicole Saylor

The following is a guest post from Bertram Lyons, the digital assets manager and a folklife specialist at the American Folklife Center’s archives at the Library of Congress. This post originally appeared on the Association for Cultural Equity site and is reposted with permission. Prior to his arrival at the Library, Lyons was the archivist at the …

A man playing a guitar and singing to a close crowd of a dozen or so men and women

Computing culture in the AFC Archive

Posted by: Nicole Saylor

  This week we’re hosting three digital humanities scholars at the American Folklife Center to discuss potential research projects that would draw upon AFC collections. It got me thinking about digital humanities inquiry in developing and understanding the AFC Archives. Across our history, we have embraced new media, explored data- and metric-driven approaches to studying and computing …