When the New Year arrives, thoughts often turn to what the coming year might bring. During wartime, service members inevitably wonder if the next year will be the year: the long-anticipated time when peace is declared and they can reunite with their families after so many months spent apart.

For soldiers fighting in the Pacific Theater at the end of 1944, peacetime seemed very far off. War-weariness abounded for soldiers and their loved ones alike. My maternal grandfather, Captain David Baker, served with the 25th Infantry Division in the South Pacific. In a letter sent to his family in Iowa at the end of December, 1944, he wrote, “‘When I get home’—that sounds like more of a phrase of magic.”
Shortly after writing this letter, Captain Baker found himself taking part in the battle of Luzon, one of two important battles that ultimately yielded control of the Philippines to the Allied forces. Under Japanese control since 1942, when General Douglas MacArthur was forced to retreat from the Bataan Peninsula, the Philippines stood as a critical part of winning the Pacific war. While MacArthur’s triumphant return to the Philippines in 1944 looms large in the popular understanding of the war, the stories of the soldiers involved in the battles of Leyte and Luzon may be less well-known.

The liberation of the Philippines began with the island of Leyte; landings commenced on October 20, 1944. While the Army encountered little resistance from the enemy along the beach, once they ventured further inland, their progress was slowed by the jungle conditions as well as a lack of supplies. In his memoir, Infantry Corporal Carl Hall recalls the intense mud in the swamps: “Never shall I forget that march. It took us three days to go less than 2 miles. The weather was hell, rain every night, hot sun during the day, muddy clothes, lack of food and water…”
Another VHP memoirist, Army Sergeant Richard Foss, states, “The day of October 20th, 1944, was probably the most memorable day I spent in World War II.” Part of the First Cavalry Division, he offers a vivid description of the difficult landing on Leyte, concluding, “I don’t understand how any of us survived that ordeal.” Foss went on to spend 90 straight days in combat, including taking part in the invasion of Luzon. In his VHP interview, Staff Sergeant Richard Johnson recalls the lack of supplies that characterized his time spent in combat on Leyte, fighting with the 96th Division: “Those of us who were inland… we lived on three things… one was coconuts, one was Indian corn, and the third was sugarcane. And I lost about 30 pounds on that diet.” As Johnson describes, disease posed yet another threat: “We lost more to sickness than to Japanese bullets on Leyte. I had things like ringworm and hookworm and strongyloidiasis and yellow jaundice and dengue fever and so on… and those were normal kinds of things.” By December 31, 1944, Allied forces had captured the island, at a cost of about 3,500 American casualties.
For those in the Navy, the invasion of Leyte also involved participating in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, considered to be one of the greatest sea battles in history. It brought about tremendous loss of life on both sides, due in part to the Japanese use of kamikaze pilots. Serving aboard the USS St. Lo, Ship’s Serviceman Third Class Jerome Keith was forced overboard when the St. Lo was struck; while he survived, over 1500 of his shipmates were casualties of the battle.

Once Leyte was secured, U.S. forces proceeded to Luzon, landing on January 9, 1945. Charles Restifo, a combat photographer with the Army Signal Corps serving aboard the USS Mt. Olympus, was part of the fourth wave to hit the beaches during the landing; he then proceeded to Manila, where he witnessed the liberation of American prisoners of war who had spent the last three years in captivity. Richard Foss called encountering these POWs, including civilians and soldiers forced to take part in the infamous Bataan Death March, a “once in a lifetime historical experience”: “You could feel what they had been through by looking into their eyes.” Despite intense fighting, Luzon was under Allied control by late spring 1945.
And as for Captain David Baker? Along with the rest of the 25th Infantry, he landed on Luzon on January 11, 1945, and spent six months engaging with the enemy until his division was relieved in late June. Though he and his comrades fighting in the Pacific theater might not have believed it possible, thanks in part to their efforts during the battles of Leyte and Luzon, 1945 was indeed the year that saw an end to nearly four years of warfare. Click here to view more stories of veterans who served in the Philippines during World War II.
Comments (54)
My father fought at Leyte, Luzon, Mindanao, Bataan and New Guinea. Anthony Joseph Margiotta. He was with the infantry, don’t know which division. He was a field Corporal I believe with a Howitzer crew.
My uncle Leon died on Leyte .He was a volunteer in the army from Charlotte Mi.
I was named after him but don’t remember meeting him as I was born in 1944 . My curiosity leads me to search for news about him. He was tall at 6’4″ dark hair and thin but athletic.. This article gives me a look into how he might have died on Leyte.
My uncle Pfc. Harry P. Arena died in Leyte on Christmas day, I assume it was 1944.
Other than he was an Infantryman in the Army I have no other information. My family always said that he was bayoneted by Japanese soldiers while he was sleeping. Sounds like it was quite a pivotal battle of the war.
My uncle Cpl.Eugene Cohoon died in the battle of Leyte somewhere. He was in the 21st Infantry Regiment. I do not know what unit. He died on November 10, 1944. Is there any way that I could find out any more info. My mom, his sister (last living sibling) and I would like to find out more about him and his death. My mom’s health is failing and would like to know more info if possible.
Mr. O’Dell, thanks for reading and for your comment. Our archive does not have comprehensive service records for all veterans who have served, rather, only those who have participated in our project. We recommend that you start researching your uncle’s service by contacting the National Archives. Military records for service personnel enlisted after 1916 usually are held at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Instructions for ordering military records are available on the National Archives web site at http://www.archives.gov/research_room/obtain_copies/veterans_service_records.html. This brochure may be of interest to you in your search for information: http://www.archives.gov/research/military/ww2/ww2-participation.pdf. We wish you the best of luck researching your uncle’s service and his death.
My father, an intelligence officer with the U.S. Navy, was assigned to Leyte posing as an Army Captain, where he worked with the guerrillas. He had been on Leyte for about a year when MacArthur made is triumphant return, and said he watched as they filmed his wading ashore several times to get it right for the newsreels of the day. At that point, he said all he wanted was to go aboard the LST and get a peanut butter sandwich, as he’d had neither white bread nor peanut butter in all those months he’d been in the jungle! He stayed in the Navy, finally retiring in 1966. He received the Army Commendation Medal for his duty on Leyte – but it wasn’t delivered until 1963! He served in WW II, the Korean War, and was in Vietnam in 1965. He passed in 1995, and is buried in the National Cemetery in Pensacola, FL. Thank you, Megan for your efforts with the Veterans History Project.
Dave, thanks for reading and for your comment. I’m so pleased that this blog post resonates with readers, even a few years after it was published. Thanks for sharing your father’s experiences; I love the anecdote about his wanting nothing but a peanut butter sandwich! Reminds me of my grandfather’s letters in which he expresses a craving for milk. Anyway, thank you again for your comment.
My Grandfather served in the the battle of Leyte . He was part of the 163th attached to the 41st but in his words he served in the 34th in 44 and 45 ! No were can I find any info on him or any one else in the 34th .Some info says the 34th was there but who is in it 44 and 45 ? The info on the 34th says they were there 41 and 42 . I know that this sounds weird but a little help would be nice . Thank you for your time.
Dear Mr. Lantroop, thanks for reading and for your comment. I have a couple of suggestions for tracking your grandfather’s service history, and will email you directly. Thanks again!–Megan Harris
How can I find out how my Great Uncle Frank Hurley Jr was killed on Feb 20 1945 during battle of Luzon. He was in 33rd Div 36 Infantry. Thank you!
Rick Roelle
Apple Valley Ca.
Ms. Harris, thank you for this page on the importance on the Battle of Luzon. My father, 1st Sgt. Edward d. Corr, 25th Infantry-161st Regiment (also forward scout) was with General Dalton showing him Balete Pass.The next morning Dalton wanted go back,(with other scouts)and was killed by a Japanese sniper. The largest Army group of Japanese was entrench on Luzon. Thanks for giving some importance to the 25th Div. 165 days of fighting. Best Regards, Timothy Corr
My dad was wounded Christmas Day 1944 on Leyte – he never talked much about it until he lay dying and then I learned of the atrocities he experienced….it was then I was able to piece his life together.
Is there any way to track troop movements for 169th Infantry during April 1945?
Dear Ms. King, thanks for reading and for your comment. Because VHP does not collect comprehensive military records, we’re not the best source for tracking troop movements. I would suggest consulting the National Archives or the Army’s Center for Military History if you have not already. These volumes look like they may have pertinent information regarding the history of the 169th Infantry: http://web.ccsu.edu/vhp/Higgins_John/History_of_first_CT_regiment.pdf and https://history.army.mil/html/books/072/72-10/CMH_Pub_72-10.pdf. Again, please keep in mind that we’re not an authoritative source of unit histories, so these links are simply possible sources that could be a place to start. Thanks again and best of luck with your research.
My uncle Jim C. Sullivan BAR carrier in Company K, 161 IR was K.I.A. at Balete Pass on Apr. 28, 1945
Trying to track the 147 infantry on Luzon island, any help would be appreciated!
My father, Capt. Vaughan P. Moore served with Company I, 1st Filipino Infantry, from 1944 through December 1945.
How can I get information on what they did on Leyte, and Southern Phillipines?
I have many of his letters and am writing a book about his service in the US Army from 1942 – 1946.
My father,Daniel Kettinger ,Wisconsin , fought at New Guiane(sic) Luzon and Leyte. He was a machine gunner. He and only 6 others in his company survived the ear.
I hope that this is still a site to find help. I am looking for info about my grandfather. He was part of the Philippines battles and the battle of Luzon. He was part of the amphibious landing crafts crews.
My uncle, charles e. allen, was killed in action on March 27th, 1945 at Luzon. Though I never met him, I bear his name. My grandmother had his body returned to the U.S. and he is buried at Long Island National Cemetery. My father never go over the loss of his older brother. He was wounded twice as a platoon leader in Europe. God Bless all of the men who fought in that war.
My father, Col. Hilton D Haines, MC, was the CO of the 144th Station Hospital in the Pacific from Guadalcanal through Luzon. He rarely spoke of his experiences and only briefly when we would ask. There is very little information specific to the 144th on the net. What I have learned is via an audio account at the National Archive Veterans Project made by Sgt Lyn Sturdevant. It drives me to want to know more.
My uncle PFC William E. Rose of the 24th Division was a forward scout on Luzon. He was killed on January 30, 1945, while attempting to rescue a fellow soldier who fell wounded in an exposed position ahead of US lines under heavy machine gun fire. He was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. My dad was contemporaneously serving in Europe in a Combat Engineer Battalion. My dad never talked much about the war, but both his Army experiences and the death of his brother had a tremendous impact on his life. For a couple of farm boys from Indiana, they were both my true American heroes.
My dad was a Staff Sergeant who drove a half-track and saw action in Finschhafen and Hollandia in New Guinea. He also participated in the invasions of Leyte and Luzon in the Philippines, earning four battle stars along the way. He never wanted to talk about his experiences, but I am so very proud of him.
My Father Robert L Summers was in the 1st Calvary and fought at Leyte and Luzon. After WW II he went back to school, graduated and entered the Air Force for another 23 years.
He passed away in 2009, and I tried to get more specific information on his Army days in the Philippines but apparently the records of many soldiers was lost in a flood at the West Virginia archival facility. Is there any other resource one could contact for more information? I was really shocked that so many records were lost in a flood??? Especially WW II era soldiers
Dear Mr. Summers, thanks so much for reading and for your comment. Yes, the 1973 fire is certainly a great tragedy, but the staff of the National Archives (NARA) is often able to assist in providing at least basic information about a veterans’ service. This pamphlet may have additional suggestions of avenues for you to pursue: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/military/ww2/ww2-participation.pdf. As well, they administer a resource known as History Hub, in which you can pose questions to their staff and other “citizen historians”: https://historyhub.history.gov/community/military-records. We wish you the best of luck in your search for more information, and thank you again for reading!
My uncle Arthur H Gray 35th Infantry 25th Division
Left the USA February 1944 to fight in Leyte then in northern Luzon he had honorable citation but since they had a fire in St Louise the documents had been destroyed by the fire. He passed away in 1963 from heart attack.
I sent for my father, Arbie (RB) Hathcock’s military records after he died. He never talked about the war. He was a Rifleman 745, Combat Infantryman, in Company A,
21st Infantry, 24th Division, U.S. Army, Australia Component. He fought in New Guinea, Luzon, and Leyte.
My mother, brother, and I never knew he had medals until I requested his records. He had a good conduct, WW II Victory Ribbon, Philippine Liberation Ribbon GO 23 Hq. USAF 45 AP Theater, 3 Bronzed Service Stars, and 1 Bronze Star. I thank him for his service.
My father John B. Williams from Water Valley Ms. was on Leyte as part of the amphibious troops. He spoke little of the war. How can I learn more about the unit he was in and so on.
My father Bret Stagg AKA Bert Stagg, served in 11 Airborne 511PIR was wounded Dec 17 1944 at Mahonag, Leyte. There are good records on the 11AB PIR for the Leyte campaign. Just google 11th Airborn and follow the breadcrums
I’m doing a little research from military papers of my Grandfather, George E. Proffitt. He was with Company A 35th Infantry as an auto rifleman 746.
He received a combat infantry badge on February 10,1945. His Discharge papers also state Purple Heart GO #39 25th INF DIV 28 March 45 WW2 Victory Metal.
South Philippines Luzon GO 33 WD45
He was given an Honorable Discharge on November 11, 1945
I asked my mom for his Discharge papers so I could join the American Legion. Would like to learn more about his time in the service. Ironically, both my sons served in the Armed Forces one was an MP and the other in the INF with USMC. Both never knew their Grandfather.
My Grandfather, SSGT. Thaddeus L. Tidwell was killed at Luzon on March 8, 1945.He was stationed at Schofield Base, Oahu, Hawaii when he met my grandmother, a local. My mother remembers her dad coming into their house and telling his friends that Pearl Harbor was being bombed and they needed to get back to the base. This is great information and gives us a little insight to what he may have encountered.
My grandpa Herbert w Williams with the 11th airborne received a soldier’s medal for saving a soldier from drowning on January 11th 1945 and he never told anyone about it he is now past and 11 years later I found all of this out
My Father Clarence Arthur Bowler (Bud) was a gunner on a Army Half Track during this part of the war landing with McArther .
I wish I knew more .
My dad was Angelo Favuzza pfc
6th army fought ln Leyte,Luzon,
New Guinea was awarded 2 purple
Hearts one or 2 bronze stars had
Post tramic stress after war but always
Worked would liked to know more
About his war experiences classified 100
Percent disable never talked about
War but he was in 4 campaigns please
Megan thanks for soliier view of the battle. My dad survived but we wounded in Luzon (twice) Purple Heart receiptant. He was with outfit 25th Infantry Tropic Lightning Captain Olla Albert Kessler.
My great uncle, Kenneth Ott was 20 when he was killed at Luzon, he was with the 127th infantry regiment and he died on 22 March 1945. I continue to seek out details, where I can find them.
My dad, Harvey Leroy Huntley, was a staff Sargent in the US Army. He was from Bishopville, South Carolina. He started in Guadalcanal, then to New Georgia Island, and Bougainville. He proceeded to Luzon and Leyte before returning to the US. He told me once they went 8 days without food until C rations were dropped but told me he could have told me what a lizard tasted like, if he could have caught him amongst Bayong tree roots. He crossed 5 islands, end to end, and involved in 3 campaigns. He was a wonderful dad, but hesitated on many aspects of his stay. I wish I had recorded him or took down all the stories he did tell me about, including sitting in a position and General MacArthur came up behind him and said, “Soldier, you look like you have a hot spot there!”. One other time, MacArthur was in his jeep, speeding down a road heavily mind and he and another soldier jumped out, waving hands, trying to stop him. But MacArthur was generally hurrying everywhere and failed to stop. Thank God he survived that road trip
An additional couple comments about my dad, Harvey L. Huntley. He was on the ship returning to the US when he received a year old letter telling him his Dad, who he looked exactly like, died of Strep throat that invaded his mediastinum. All the penicillin was overseas and would easily saved his life. My Dad was wounded by shrapnel in his leg and could have applied for the purple heart, but his reasoning for not was he saw so many men with much worse wounds that he felt it was not right. That is the kind of wonderful dad he was. I lost him as he was approaching 90 years old and his grave site (with mom) never does not have an American flag on it. I salute his picture every day!
My dad, Harvey Leroy Huntley, was a Staff Sargent in the US Army. He completed, end to end, fighting (with his squad) across 5 island, starting with Guadalcanal, New Georgia, Bougainville and finally Luzon and Leyte. He told me of going 8 days without food once before C rations were finally dropped, and he told me before that, he could tell me what a lizard tasted like if he could have caught it amongst a banyan’s massive roots if he could have caught it. Twice he had a connection with General MacArthur: once, in a position, McArthur, known for being near the front lines, he heard his voice and turned around. He stated: “Son, you have a really hot position there” He replied, “Yes, Sir”. A second time was not an encounter, but McArthur’s jeep was speeding down a road near him, and he and another soldier jumped up waving hands and trying to stop him as it was heavily mined! But he was always in a hurry and thank God he avoided all the mines. I regret never recording him or talking more about war stories, but a lot, he did not like to talk about, except lighter sides and an interaction with McArthur. He was a wonderful Dad, involved in my Little League on weekends and on some hunting trips too. I miss him terribly.
My uncle, Charles Henry Miller, with the 481st Squadron, 46th Air Service Group died on April 19,1945in the Philippines from an accident on April 18, 1945. All we ever knew was as an accidental bomb explosion. The following were involved in the accident and also passed. John F Cacciola, Albert R Angerstein, Robert W Norman, Walter S Craig. Does anyone have information regarding this accident?
My father Robert Lee Stewart was severely wounded on Leyte by a sniper but survived. He is Prewitt in the James Jones novel From Here to Eternity does anyone have any info on the battle or how can i find info. Thanks to all who serve.
My father, Loyd R. Elliott was a staff sargent in the 40th division, 160th infantry regiment. He went from New Guinea to Luzon in January for the landings at Linguyan Gulf. He was in charge of a 18 man mortor crew but was also a recon NCO. Fought on Luzon for almost two months before going on to Panay and Negros. A toatal of 6 plus months of continuous combat in the Philippines. I am trying to find out what battalion and company he was with. Is this info even available anymore?
My grandfather was assigned to the first Filipino infantry regiment and was killed by a sniper on Aug 6, 1945 in Leyte. Same day the US dropped the Bomb..
My father, Eugene George Eckroth was in Captain David Baker’s Battalion, 8th Field Artillery Battalion, 25th Infantry Division. My dad was promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain toward the end of the Battle of Luzon.
My father Elvin Weems has a jap flag from luzon and he wrote the names of the men in 2nd platoon, 1st infantry, squads 1, 2 & 3. My father was the leader of squad # 1
The flag measures 24″ X 34″ pretty good condition
@Steven Weems: My grandfather was part of the 1st Infantry at Luzon, not sure what platoon. His name was Martin Riewski.
My father LeRoy Pierce Swingle was injured I believe during the battle for Leyte. From what I have been able to piece together, he was guarding an ammunition dump when the Japanese attacked and blew up the ammunition dump causing his severe spinal injuries. He laid injured in the mud for several days before he was evacuated for medical treatment. I know that he was in a Boat and Shore Regiment but not which one. ANyhelp I could get in identifying that regiment would be appreciated.
My father a rifleman 745, was in Company A, the 21st Infantry. He was stationed in Hawaii at Schofield Barracks, Oahu, before going to Australia and New Zealand for training. He then fought in New Guinea, and afterwards Luzon and Leyte. My family never knew he had received any medals until after his death. My mother and I requested information and received his medals and his honorable discharge. He was awarded 3 bronze service stars, Good Conduct Medal, WWII Victory Ribbon, Philippine Liberation Ribbon, GO 23 Hq USAF Ap Theater Ribbon, and there is a large Bronze Star with the 3 Bronze Service Stars which are small and on ribbons. Does anyone have family members who served in this area? I am trying to find information on the different battles he fought in.
My Grandad, Wesley Clair Farnham, Lt. CMDR US Navy was captured by the Japanese in the Pacific Theater (was a POW for some time). Before the war, he worked as the Far East Representative for the Sun Oil Company. I also have alot of photographs/films my Grandad took; e.g., When they dropped the bomb, Nagasaki, etc… melted people and alot of other historic events. Any/all information you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
My father Floyd “Mac” McKinney was 11th airborne 511 PIR C company on Leyte and Luzon. Like I’m ready in some of the other posts, he rarely spoke about it and I rarely pushed him. Going over his WWII photos I wish I would have asked him a little more. Since his passing in 2014 I have really grown to appreciate how his service shaped his life and in trying to do more research I’ve learned that many records were destroyed in a fire where they were held in St. Louis.
My father, Richard Cortez Saria, fought at Leyte and Luzon before I was born. I only just discovered this information after requesting his military records. It takes a while (3 months) but it is worth the journey. I’m 70 and he died when I was 15. I grew up as a Military brat. To uncover your family’s journey is wonderful.
My Great Uncle Cpl Felix J Shalaty enlisted in April 1942 and assigned to the 25th Infantry 161st Regiment. He is currently listed as KIA/MIA January 25th 1945 during the Battle of Luzon. He was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart posthumously. His citation is listed online and below is the description of his death. I received his IDPF and can proudly say that the U.S Military is still actively working to identify any remains that may have been recovered and buried. “On the morning of 25 January, the 161st’s 2nd Bn began fighting its way south through
San Manuel block by block. In the lead were the Cannon Co’s M7s—one of them driven by
Cpl Shalaty—which over the course of the day destroyed several dug-in Japanese tanks. With
darkness approaching, the crew of Cpl Shalaty’s M7 and one of the 2nd Bn’s rifle companies
were ordered to establish a roadblock along the forward perimeter. A short time later, a Japanese
infiltration unit slipped through the front line and detonated a pole charge against Cpl Shalaty’s
vehicle. The explosion blew a hole through the side of the M7, killing Cpl Shalaty instantly, and
ignited a fire that began setting off the 105-mm ammunition inside.”
My Uncle Did on Luzon on Sept 26, 1945. His family expected him home, as the war was over, but he was killed along with 9 others in a terrible accident. Lee Elmer Edict was only 20 years old and lived a life of hard work on a farm and was the first of his family to graduate High School, before he served and never came home. I never met him. In pictures he had the same smile as my mother. There are only two people that I know of in the world who are alive and knew him, two of his sisters one over 90 and one over 100. I want to write his name here to say that the price we pay for electing those to govern to be those who wish to grab power, land, resources, and feed their ego is that people suffer and die. I wish, I really wish that WW2 had been the war to end all wars. But we , as a people, are too stupid to realize that we have the power to do better. God bless you Uncle Lee.
My father (25th Infantry, 161st, company E) enlisted as he was turning 16 in Sept ‘43. He was 6’1, athletic, and willing. He went in under an assumed name “Richard Clark” from somewhere in MO. In truth he was from Detroit, his name Arthur R Elton. He kept his enlistment age from us as he wanted to make sure we all finished high school-which he had to do when he came back. We knew he was in WWII. “I was a cook.” “I was in the 25th Infantry Div.” After some research I asked him if he was in the Battle of Luzon. He quietly answered “Yes”. My mother talked about his night terrors as well as reoccurring symptoms of malaria. Yet, he never spoke of what he saw. He would not agree to an Honor Flight b/c it was too painful. Now I understand why-he didn’t want to glorify war, he had seen things that were unspeakable. WWII defined him. would like to know more of the 161st’s action.