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Archive: November 2014 (3 Posts)

Landscape photo of Côte d'Azur, Corsica.

Corsican Language and Expressive Culture

Posted by: Stephanie Hall

This guest blog post is by Alexandra Jaffe, who spoke on this topic at noon on December 2, 2014 in the Montpelier Room, 6th floor, James Madison Building, Library of Congress as part of the American Folklife Center’s Benjamin Botkin Lecture Series. Jaffe is a professor of Anthropology at California State University, Long Beach with …

A man playing a guitar and singing to a close crowd of a dozen or so men and women

Omaha Hethu’shka Society Songs and Dances

Posted by: Stephanie Hall

Historically, the Omaha Indian Hethu’shka Society were a group of highly respected men, voted into the group by unanimous consent of the society, who aimed to set a strong example for their people of the best attributes of a warrior. Although traditionally deeds in combat were the central test for inclusion in the society, such …