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Category: Photographs

A man playing a guitar and singing to a close crowd of a dozen or so men and women

Bringing the Church into the World: The Civil Rights Struggle & the Student Interracial Ministry

Posted by: Guha Shankar

(This guest blog is provided courtesy of our old friend, David Cline, assistant professor of history and director of the graduate certificate in public history at Virginia Tech. Many Library patrons will be familiar with David, through the dozens of video interviews he has conducted for the Civil Rights History Project (CRHP) and also because …

A man playing a guitar and singing to a close crowd of a dozen or so men and women

Marching In Montgomery, 1965, Reconsidered

Posted by: Guha Shankar

Montgomery in March, 1965, Reconsidered: The Perspective from the Other Side of the Lens This week’s blog is a companion piece to my previous post on the fiftieth anniversary of the Voting Rights Campaign in Alabama. Both blogs have provided a great opportunity for the AFC to share examples of Glen Pearcy’s singular photo documentation from the front …

People marching, mostly young and African American

Marching in Montgomery, 1965

Posted by: Guha Shankar

Montgomery in March, 1965: Images from the front lines of the freedom struggle Selma has been much in public consciousness in recent months, owing to the release of the movie of the same name, the city’s historical place and symbolic importance in the (renewed) contention over voting rights in the nation and, of course, this …