Maybe it was the eyes that you first noticed when you glanced at the portrait above: they are a vivid, piercing blue. Then, maybe you looked at the caption, and you realized that those eyes were painted more than 70 years ago, in 1944. Perhaps if you looked closely, you noticed the location of the …
The following is a guest post by Owen Rogers, Liaison Specialist for the Veterans History Project (VHP). In second grade, I asked my teacher why American soldiers were fighting – and dying –in Somalia. Images of GIs slain in Bakaara Market clashed with the invincible G.I. Joes I carried in my knapsack, and in my …
The following is a guest post by Andrew Huber, Liaison Specialist for the Veterans History Project (VHP). As students have returned to school across the country, young people are learning not just about reading, writing and arithmetic, but about service, honor and sacrifice as well. Classrooms and student groups nationwide take part in the Veterans …
On a cool, cloudy morning about a month ago, my colleague Tamika Brown and I stood in the midst of a massive tent city in Seaside, California. The air smelled of the Pacific Ocean, and also of smoke, thanks to the enormous wildfire burning in nearby Big Sur. Row after row of khaki-colored tents stretched …
The following is a guest post by Christy Chason, Liaison Specialist for the Veterans History Project (VHP). Until recently, Dr. Héctor P. García was someone about whom I knew precious little. In fact, knowing what I know now, I am embarrassed to say that I had only ever heard his name in the context of …
The following is a guest post written by Owen Rogers, Liaison Specialist for the Veterans History Project (VHP). The summer between fourth and fifth grade saw my first few weeks away from family. As we prepared for my two weeks at summer camp, my mother and I roamed from one store aisle to another, picking …
The following is a guest post by Owen Rogers, Liaison Specialist for the Library of Congress Veterans History Project (VHP). To date, nearly 5,000 men (and one woman) have received the Congressional Medal of Honor, our nation’s highest military decoration. Within this exceptional minority, however, only one recipient was awarded with this honor while serving …
I never had a childhood hero, a celebrity or historic figure or famous athlete whom I looked up to above all others. To this day, it’s my friends and family whom I admire the most and try to emulate. That’s why, when someone asked me recently about a leader I admire, at first, the question …
The following is the second part of a two-part blog post on the George Pearcy and Robert Augur Veterans History Project (VHP) collections—you can read Part One here. “Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pearcy: I am a friend of your son George and am one of those who have been liberated from the hands of the …