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Archive: October 2020 (2 Posts)

A child carrying a bundle of newspapers in one hand, the other arm held high with a copy of the Anchorage Daily Times, the headline reading

Cooking Up History: Homemade Halloween

Posted by: Amber Paranick

This post was written by Rachel Gordon, Visitor Services Specialist in the Library’s Center for Learning, Literacy and Engagement. It was originally published on Minerva’s Kaleidoscope: Resources for Kids & Families Blog. For Halloween 2020, we’re all going to be staying much closer to home than is the norm. That made me wonder what we …

A child carrying a bundle of newspapers in one hand, the other arm held high with a copy of the Anchorage Daily Times, the headline reading

La Prensa: Latinx Exile Newspapers

Posted by: Amber Paranick

This blog post was written by Jennie Horton, a 2020 Librarian-in-Residence in the Serial & Government Publications Division.  Unrest in Latin America caused many to flee to the United States. Exile newspapers, Spanish-language papers published in the US, helped immigrants stay connected to their homeland, language, and culture. Spanish-language newspapers first appeared in the United States in 1808 with El …