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Deaths of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson on July 4th

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 The deaths of former U.S. Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams on July 4, 1826–the day of the Jubilee–the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, was an extraordinary and eerie coincidence. Jefferson died shortly after noon at the age of 83 in Monticello, Virginia. Several hours later Adams died in Quincy, Massachusetts at the age of 90. Though the nation’s second and third presidents were friends at the time of their deaths, they had been politically estranged for eleven years after the presidential election of 1800. Jefferson, along with James Madison, formed the Democratic-Republican Party while Adams was a Federalist. Adams wrote a letter to Jefferson on January 1, 1812, the first of many that renewed their friendship that lasted until their deaths. The last letter Jefferson wrote to Adams was on March 23. The last letter written by Adams to Jefferson was dated April 17, 1826The news did not travel fast during this time and the former presidents were not aware of each other’s deaths. Newspapers printed in the days immediately following their deaths included letters from Adams, Jefferson, and other surviving signers of the Declaration of Independence declining their attendance at the July 4th Jubilee celebration in Washington.
Death of John Adams
Sepia scan of the front page of a newspaper with visible text: COLUMBIAN CENTINEL.
Columbian Centinel (Boston, MA), July 8, 1826.

The news of Adams’s death reached Boston by the end of the day. The Columbian Centinel (Boston, MA) was aligned with Federalist sentiment in the Federalist Era and used mourning bars, large dark lines to signify mourning for former president Adams in its July 8, 1826 edition. Mourning bars have been used by newspaper publishers as early as the 17th century to communicate to readers that someone has died. According to newspaper reports, Adams’s last words were, “Jefferson still lives.” In the course of a few days, news of Jefferson’s death arrived from Virginia and the next issue of the Columbian Sentinel included the headline, “Another GREAT MAN is No More! and our columns again are shrowed in respectful mourning.”

Death of Thomas Jefferson

The Constitutional Whig (Richmond, VA) published news of Jefferson’s death in its July 7, 1826 issue.

Black and white image of a newspaper page with dark lines on either side of five columns.
Constitutional Whig (Richmond, VA), July 7, 1826.

Death of Jefferson and Adams

The Wilmingtonian, and Delaware Advertiser (Wilmington, DE) published news of both Jefferson’s and Adams’s deaths in its July 13, 1826 issue.

Black and white image of a newspaper page.
The Wilmingtonian, and Delaware Advertiser (Wilmington, DE), July 13, 1826.
Black and white broadside with visible text: “Funeral Thoughts, Excited by the Death of John Adams and Thos. Jefferson on the Fourth of July, 1826, the Jubilee of Independence.”
“Funeral Thoughts, Excited by the Death of John Adams and Thos. Jefferson on the Fourth of July, 1826, the Jubilee of Independence.”  Broadside published in Boston following the deaths of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, July 4, 1826.

After the deaths were announced, eulogies were pronounced across the country, and commemorations were printed in newspapers. Statesman Daniel Webster’s eulogy for Adams and Jefferson spoke to the point that many people believed: That something other than coincidence was involved. Yet another odd coincidence: Exactly five years later, on July 4, 1831, former U.S. President James Monroe died.

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*The Chronicling America historic newspapers online collection is a product of the National Digital Newspaper Program and jointly sponsored by the Library and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Comments (13)

  1. The July 4, 1826 deaths of Jefferson and Adams was just one of a series of ‘coincidences’ to be established for the births and deaths of US presidents and vice presidents.

    * Of the first 22 presidents, 12 died in June and July whereas about 4 could have been expected by chance.

    * Of the first 22 presidents, only one (John Quincy Adams) was born in the five months May to September (significant p < .001).

    * All US presidents elected in a 0 ended year between 1840 and 1960 died in office, giving rise to the famous 20 year death cycle.

    * Five vice presidents were elected in the 12 year cycle and died in office. All died in the four weeks to November 25.

    * Combining the 12 and 20 year election cycles gave a complex 60 year cycle of US leaders participating in presidential elections and subsequently dying in office (significant p < .01).

    (PDF) 12 & 20 year US presidential death cycles. Available from: [accessed Feb 12 2023].

  2. What a splendid piece this was. Our friend David in the comments seems to have unfortunately eschewed his medication for numerologification. If only people read more rather than typing. And certainly rather than noting p-values when no statistics were quoted.

    I thank you, Miss Paranick, for your lovely and concise article. I shared it with my fourth grader and he was fascinated! The coincidence of these men’s death, and the resurrection of their friendship, is both fantastic and makes me a bit weepy when I’m feeling particularly patriotic. This certainly gave me more ornaments to embellish the telling of my favorite Independence Day factoid :)

  3. A wonderful factoid from two giants of American history. It harkens to a time when even the deepest personal and political divisions could be remedied through respectful correspondence. And how a simple gift, well-wishes to one’s families and a New Year’s Greeting can rekindle a lost friendship. Happy 4th of July, America. – Warmest wishes from Belgium

  4. This was such a great historical report. I appreciated reading and disecting information I’ll share with my prayer team.Noting bond’s of friendship is very important to wellbeing of our lives Thanks so much

  5. “Jefferson died shortly after noon at the age of 83 in Monticello, Virginia. Several hours later Adams died in Quincy, Massachusetts at the age of 90. … The news did not travel fast during this time and the former presidents were not aware of each other’s deaths.” This needs tweaking. It is impossible for the two to have been unaware of each other’s deaths. Only Adams could theoretically have been aware of Jefferson’s death, not vice versa.

  6. “ Statesman Daniel Webster’s eulogy for Adams and Jefferson spoke to the point that many people believed: ***That ^something^ other than >coincidence< was . Yet another odd coincidence: Exactly five years later, on July 4, 1831, former U.S. President James Monroe died.”


    What a way to further the LEGEND of GREAT EXPECTATIONS for this



  7. Such incredible history
    America🇺🇸 is blessed
    May you not depart from the commands of God
    Greetings from Ghana🇬🇭
    Happy 4th July🇺🇸

  8. Today is Independence Day, 2023. My family gathered at home today, and like many Americans, we celebrated the holiday with a meal and memories of those who left us too early. My family has a long history of military service spanning time back to the Revolutionary War. My youngest granddaughter is a 4th grader this year and had many questions about President Thomas Jefferson. She was delighted to learn about President John Adams and Jefferson’s friendship. Thank you for presenting a well-researched article for us to share with generations that just now expressing an interest in our history.

  9. I think that what John Adams meant when he said “Thomas Jefferson survives.” was that Thomas Jefferson had appeared to John Adams and John Adams was expressing his reaction.

  10. This is a cool comment

  11. i think there is value in the numbers that David stated.

    They open our minds to “low probability events happen….but I cant imagine this to be a miracle.”….ie we see other low probability events that we could imagine a Divine Being orchestrating…..but actually low probability things happen all the time….

    like you reading my comment :) what are the odds of that?

  12. And don’t forget, Calvin Coolidge was BORN on July 4, 1872

  13. Jefferson and Adams were kindreds. Differing opinions at times but still the same coin, same cut of cloth. They are missed. I look at our upcoming election here in the U.S. and alas, I have to say – we don’t have a choice. I can’t vote for either one. How far we have fallen. As humans we keep doing the same circle, making the same mistakes. I so wish that we didn’t worship our psychopathic leaders like we do. It will be our undoing.

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