Julianne Mangin is an independent researcher, writer, family historian, and blogger. She is a retired librarian who worked as a website developer at the Library of Congress from 1998 to 2011. This post highlights the ways Julianne has used online resources like Chronicling America* for her research. Amber Paranick (AP): How did you first learn …
This month Chronicling America added newspapers from its 50th contributor – the University of the Virgin Islands! This first newspaper from the U.S. Virgin Islands, the St. Croix Avis, provides a deep dive into a particularly tumultuous time in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In 1867, the islands were on the cusp of being sold to the United States when a hurricane, earthquake, and tsunami struck within a month. Covering the events of 1867 was the St. Croix Avis.
Arlene has been an expert librarian and an accomplished blogger for Headlines and Heroes, writing incredible posts on WWI and Frederick Douglass (to name a few). She recently retired and will be missed by all! Read about some of her favorite collections and moments at the Library.
The amount of people who owe their lives to Dr. Charles R. Drew is beyond measure. The African American physician and surgeon pioneered the preservation of blood and plasma at the start of World War II and remained a leading authority on the subject for the rest of his career. He is responsible for America's first major blood banks and introduced the use of mobile blood donation and transport stations—later known as “bloodmobiles.”
The great hobby boom that took place in the 1950s was filled with model planes, trains, boats, and other pastimes that you might not have thought of. From puppet making to butterfly collecting, the young and the old alike were eager to show off their new skills.
Hail to the chief! In light of the recent U.S. presidential inauguration, it’s the perfect time to test your knowledge on the American presidents. Try your hand at the twenty trivia questions below and scroll to the bottom to see the answers. From the interesting to the amusing to the somewhat bizarre, you may be …
This post was written by Robin Butterhof, a Digital Conversion Specialist in the Library’s Serial and Government Publications Division. Chronicling America added over 1,500,000 newspaper pages in 2020! Included in those new pages is the Newport Gazette (Newport, Rhode Island), which expands the date range of Chronicling America from 1789-1963 to 1777-1963. The Newport Gazette …
From drunk VPs to frozen canaries, anything can—and often does—happen on Inauguration Day! Here are some interesting tidbits about past presidential inaugurations.