For college football fans, the end of year means bowl games! To get you into full football mode, let’s take a look at how the very first bowl game, the “Granddaddy of Them All,” got off the ground. The 1902 Tournament of Roses football game, known today as the Rose Bowl, was the first post-season …
Does that title above look a little off to you? It should. H.G. Wells’ science fiction classic War of the Worlds has been adapted many times since the novel’s original released in 1898. Fighters from Mars, however, is one of the earliest versions serialized in a newspaper or magazine and is most definitely not a …
Chronicling America has grown its collection of newspapers by and for Native American communities under the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) over the past decade through the contributions of state partners. It is important to read these newspapers to better understand Native American perspectives.
It is a rare event for a wedding to be held at the home of the President of the United States, but on November 19, 2022, the 19th documented wedding will take place at the White House, when Naomi Biden, the granddaughter of President Joe Biden, and Peter Neal get married on the South Lawn. …
“Could I pass a week in the insane ward at Blackwell’s Island? I said I could and I would. And I did.” In 1887, investigative journalist for the New York World newspaper Nellie Bly went undercover to expose the dreadful conditions at the Women’s Lunatic Asylum, a mental institution on Blackwell’s Island. Read more about Bly’s fearless investigation and how her work forever changed the field of journalism.
Cheers! Here are some vintage cocktail recipes, all of them brought to you by our historic newspaper archive, Chronicling America. 1. The Insidious Punch of Washington This drink is one of the oldest ones on the list at more than 135 years old! You can see the recipe here, but generally, you’ll mix one part …
On a peaceful Sunday in 1859 in the nation's capital, Congressman Daniel E. Sickles shot and killed U.S. District Attorney Philip Barton Key in broad daylight on Lafayette Square. The murder and subsequent trial captivated antebellum America and sparked nationwide debates about male honor, female virtue, insanity, and the rule of law.