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What’s for Lunch: ST&B lecture series

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With the start of a new year, we welcome the beginning of the 2010 ST&B Lecture Series. In these hour-long lectures we learn from distinguished scholars, leaders in science and business, and popular authors who visit the Library to give free public presentations about their work. The Library records these events and distributes them as free Webcasts, so if you can’t make it to the event, you can watch it at your leisure on your computer.

Since many people are unaware of these lectures and webcasts, I will be highlighting topics and speakers in this year’s series in posts called What’s for Lunch. Without a doubt, our lecture series is a treasure trove just waiting to be discovered!

Last year we had the honor of hosting Jane Goodall, who spoke about her new book Hope for Animals and Their World: How Endangered Species Are Being Rescued from the Brink. In addition, working with the Library’s Music Division and the Dana Foundation, we co-sponsored a cycle of lectures and concerts for the Music and the Brain series. This series is available as podcasts and on our Youtube channel.

Steven Raichlin, "Barbecue: A History of the World’s Oldest Culinary Art" June 24, 2005 Library of Congress
Steven Raichlin, "Barbecue: A History of the World’s Oldest Culinary Art" June 24, 2005 Library of Congress

Some of my favorite lectures involved the topic of food. Back in 2007 celebrated cookbook editor Judith Jones, who discovered Julia Child, spoke on her  book The Tenth Muse, My Life in Food. In 2005, barbecue expert Steven Raichlen spoke on Barbecue: A History of the World’s Oldest Culinary Art and Laura Schenone talked about her book A Thousand Years Over a Hot Stove: A History of American Women Told Through Food, Recipes, and Remembrances.

We also have an ongoing partnership with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Leading NASA scientists come to the Library to present the latest research, tools, technology and findings. Last year we learned about the changing polar ice covers from head of the Cryospheric Sciences Branch Thorsten Markus, the final mission to Hubble from just-retired senior project scientist of the Hubble Space Telescope Program David Leckrone, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life in our solar system from astrobiologist Daniel P. Glavin.

We are busy confirming our upcoming events, but here are some teasers on the menu in 2010:

Wed., Feb. 17: NASA scientist Michelle Thaller will speak on Galileo: the Real Story.

Wed., March 17: Mars Update

Wed., April 21: Shedding Light on Dark Matter (with Uniview software)

Wed., May 19: Chesapeake Bay from Space: New Views of a National Treasure

Tues., June 15 Chocolate Chip Cookie Bake-off: Celebration of the acquisition of Ruth Grave Wakefield’s 1938 Toll House Tired and True Recipes .

Wed., Sept. 22: Observing the Living Oceans from Space

Wed., Oct. 27: Volcanoes –Near, Far and Really Far Away

So stop by and join us for lunch!


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