Our guest author today is Ellen Terrell, Business Reference Specialist with another in our “Favorites From the Fifth Floor” series. Quite early in my tenure here at the Library I realized that “history” in terms of business research was not 5 years or less but 50, 100, or 200+ years ago. Coming from the private …
Today the Library of Congress is 210 years old. It was on this date in 1800 when our building name sake and President, John Adams, approved the appropriation of $5,000 for the purchase of “such books as may be necessary for the use of congress.”
Our guest author today is Ellen Terrell, Business Reference Specialist. A perennial question for Business Reference staff is about old companies and businesses. And by old I mean from the 1890’s (or earlier!) not necessarily the 1990’s. One of our go-to sets is the old Mercantile Agency Reference books that developed into Dun & Bradstreet …
Occasionally when visiting the stacks we run across something that we find particularly interesting either from a content or historical perspective. Shortly after my arrival here at the Library, I found such an item! Published in 1883 the book The Secrets of Success In Business claims to “show completely and practically how business is done, …
Our guest author today is Ellen Terrell, Business Reference Specialist. Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States states: “The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they …