As the world was on royal baby watch there was another arrival that folks have been waiting for here in D.C. (and perhaps the world as well) – the blooming of the Sumatran (Indonesian) Amorphophallus titanum (titan arum) a.k.a. the corpse flower or stinky plant at the U.S. Botanic Garden (USBG). Like the arrival of …
Question: How can you test your knowledge and impress your friends? Answer: Trivia! Everyone loves trivia and is asking us to “Test your knowledge of science trivia and take the Trivia Challenge.” These trivia challenges are part of a continuation of the celebration of its 10th anniversary. The trivia questions were thought up …
Many of us associate July 4th, Independence Day, with barbecues, picnics and fireworks. But it is also the day when we proudly display the National Flag of the United States. We honor this day by flying Old Glory’s stars and stripes, draping our buildings with American Flag bunting, and outfitting our celebrations in red, white …