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What is…Trivia!

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Question: How can you test your knowledge and impress your friends?

Answer: Trivia!

One of the “smart set.” Copyright 1906 by the Rotograph Co. N.Y.

Everyone loves trivia and is asking us to “Test your knowledge of science trivia and take the Trivia Challenge.” These trivia challenges are part of a continuation of the celebration of its 10th anniversary. The trivia questions were thought up by the resourceful minds of its partners in the Alliance. The Alliance consists of 19 U.S. government science organizations from 15 federal agencies including the Library of Congress.

We especially love here in the Library’s Science, Technology and Business division- it’s a great source to direct researchers to the vast array of government science information. Inside Adams wrote about’s  release of its  Spanish version,, back in October 2012- see ¡Felicitaciones!

The best way to test your science trivia knowledge is to sign up for the Twitter feed @sciencegov. The Library of Congress @librarycongress will also be tweeting the bi-weekly trivia questions.

If you don’t tweet- no worries. You can go to the trivia challenge site and read the questions, but make sure not to look at the answer until you have made your guess.

Here are a few selected trivia questions to get your neurons firing- you will need to go to the trivia challenge site to find the answers:

  • According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the longest road in the United States stretches between which two states?
  • What was discovered in 1998 by Department of Energy and NASA scientists that completely changed how we view the universe?
  • Where and when did the deadliest recorded earthquake occur? (From the United States Geological Survey)

Comments (3)

  1. the longest road in the United States stretches between which two states?
    Is an ambiguously structured question since ANY two states on the longest road are valid answers. What they want is “which two states define the longest road in the US? Which two states are farthest apart on the longest road in the US? And so on.

  2. This is a cool stuff.

  3. what is science???

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