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Wit and Lucidity: Carl Sagan’s Christmas Lectures at the Royal Institution

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Today’s post is from science reference librarian Margaret Clifton.

In light of recent discussions about ‘STEM’ (science, technology, engineering, and math) education floating in and around government lately it is worth noting that scientific educational outreach, that is, science communication from the scientific community to the public (or at least to a captive youthful audience) goes back probably as far as science itself. Few have had as long a continuous existence as the Royal Institution in Great Britain.

Michael Faraday portrait from the Matthew Brady Studio. Daguerreotype collection, Library of Congress, created between 1844-1860.
Michael Faraday portrait from the Matthew Brady Studio. Daguerreotype collection, Library of Congress, created between 1844-1860.

Brief History of the Royal Institution & Background of Lecture Series