Business Reference is often asked for information about older or defunct businesses and finding any information can be challenging. But it is even harder to research businesses that were owned and operated by African Americans. While some business directory publishers may have denoted those businesses in some way, that wasn’t always the case. Recently I …
This is a guest post from one of our new Business Reference librarians Yvonne Dooley. She will be joining the Inside Adams blog team so be on the look-out for her posts! Every year when February rolls around, I always look forward to browsing and selecting Valentine’s Day cards for family and friends. I fondly …
This post was written by our new reference librarian in Business Angel Vu. She will eventually become a blogger here at Inside Adams so look for more posts in the future. During winter, when we are surrounded by an abundance of delicious homemade goodies, the history of frozen dinners and the frozen food industry typically …