Have you ever gotten Caught in the Web? You’re looking for an answer to just that question and are presented with everything and the kitchen sink.
Have you ever dived down the Wikipedia wormhole? You think looking at just one page will answer your question only to emerge three hours later knowing all about Magna Carta and nothing about what you originally hoped to learn.
Have you ever discovered the perfect website and then learned you had to pay to see the rest of it?
Business Reference Services is here to help. We offer the class “Caught in the Web? Business Tools that Help” to teach you the advanced search skills that will enable you to find the information you need for business research using freely available online resources. Looking for company executives? Want to search for demographic data to identify your potential customer base? Overwhelmed by the amount of government information? Interested in historic stock prices? Ready to get straight to the answer?
We’ll talk about the four main types of business information and why it matters to have crack search skills. You’ll get the chance to put your new skills into action on an actual research question. Finally, we’ll provide a curated list of free online resources that can be starting places for your own research. You no longer need to be Caught in the Web!
The final class of 2017 is on Wednesday, November 15th at 10:30am in the Adams Building. Register online from our homepage.
Important Details
“Caught in the Web: Business Tools that Help” is offered on the 3rd Wednesday every other month. This class takes place in-person only. We apologize that we cannot accommodate virtual attendees at this time. Please bring a device such as a laptop or tablet computer if you are able.
Months: January, March, May, July, September, November
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Location: 5th Floor Adams Building, Library of Congress
Please register online from our homepage.
Contact us via Ask-A-Librarian or call 202-707-7934 during business hours to speak with a librarian.