While doing a bit of research, the image featured here caught my eye, so I just had to click-through to know more. As you can see, this image features the signatures of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and the Fourth of July provided a good excuse to highlight it. The accompanying article is …
This post was written by Nancy Lovas a new Business Reference Librarian. I write atop a bookshelf in the Adams Reading Room with an excellent view of the mural on the east wall. I’ve returned to the Business Reference Section after nearly three years away and I’m getting reintroduced to all my old friends. One …
This post was written by Sean Bryant a Reference Librarian in the Science Section who previously wrote about World War I tanks and John Glenn. This post continues the story of the last man to walk on the moon, astronaut, Eugene Cernan, which was inspired by our last NASA talk of 2016. Geologist Dr. Noah …
This post was written by Sean Bryant a Reference Librarian in the Science Section who previously wrote about World War I tanks and John Glenn. In December the Library of Congress hosted its last NASA talk of 2016. In “Walking with the Last Men on the Moon: Revisiting the Apollo 17 Landing Site with the …
This post was authored by Stephanie Marcus, Science Reference Librarian in the Science, Technology, and Business Division. The total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 will be the first total solar eclipse visible in the contiguous United States since 1979 — and the first that has traversed the entire continent coast-to-coast since June 8, 1918. …
Today’s post is guest authored by Michelle Cadoree Bradley, a Science Reference Specialist in the Library’s Science, Technology, and Business Division who has previously written – Rise of the Broom Brigade and Marie Curie: A Gift of Radium. Is it Bourbon or is it Whiskey? “Not all whiskey is bourbon, but all bourbon is whiskey,” …
While working on a new research guide, I ran across references for what looked to be an interesting book – State of the Trade of Great Britain with all Parts of the World by César Moreau. Because I wasn’t looking too closely at the record, I initially thought it was a book, but it turned …