The Science, Technology, & Business Division has long sent periodic email updates on “What’s New in Science and Technology”, covering lectures, exhibits, and other news. It has been newly re-named–“What’s New in Science, Technology, & Business”–and will feature updates and information from Business too!
If you want to receive occasional emails about special events, lectures, current exhibits, and blog posts, you can sign up for “What’s New in Science, Technology, & Business” by going to the Library of Congress Subscribe page. Scroll down to “News” and select “Subscribe via E-Mail” to subscribe. You may also select the RSS feed option.
If you are already subscribed to the former “What’s New in Science & Technology”, you do not need to make any changes.
Comments (3)
Very interested in updates.
To get updates, you can click on the link “Subscribe” in the post and follow the instructions to sign up via email. Thanks for your interest!
Am very interested in STEM and a avid follower of technology.