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Researching Old Companies? Come to Our Class on November 30

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The Library offers Saturday orientations/classes and sometimes Business Reference takes their turn. Instead of doing our general Business Research Orientation, we are teaching So…you want to research old companies at the Library of Congress. We have given this class before and because there was interest, we are doing it again on November 30.

While the class is primarily about using the Library’s resources to do historical research on companies, some of the resources we cover aren’t necessarily specific to the Library, so if you can come,  you may be able to take what you learn back home and see if your local public libraries and historical societies have resources that can help with this type of research. We plan on covering print and electronic sources – both free and subscription – as well as giving a few tips and tricks picked up over the years.

This is an in-person class (sorry, no webinar but some of what we cover can be found on our guide) that starts at 10 am in room LJ-139B – which is just around the corner from the Reader Registration station in the Jefferson Building.  If you want to attend or just want a break from Thanksgiving weekend Christmas shopping, you can sign up on Eventbrite at and pick November 30.

Note: Request ADA accommodation five days in advance at 202.707.6362 or [email protected]

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