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Archive: 2019 (60 Posts)

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

On the Subject of Bourbon Whiskey: Charring Oak Barrels was no Accident – it was Science

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

This post was written by Michelle Cadoree Bradley, a Science Reference Specialist in the Science, Technology and Business Division. In a previous post I alluded to writing an additional Bourbon-related post. This follow-up looks at a century of early scientific advancements and the impact on bourbon distillation in America. We shall bend science “to the …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

BFU: Inspired by Ben Franklin

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

This post was written by Kelsey Diemand Librarian in Residence in the Science, Technology and Business Division. You may know Benjamin Franklin as a scientist and inventor, statesman and diplomat, or maybe you recognize him as the guy on the one-hundred dollar bill. Ben Franklin is famous for his role in the American Enlightenment and …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Researching Old Companies: a Business Class on January 19

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

The Library offers Saturday orientations/classes and sometimes Business takes their turn. When We took our turn last June, instead of doing our general Business Research Orientation, I taught a class titled So…you want to research old companies at the Library of Congress. It was the first time I gave this class and because there was …