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Want to add some greenery to your video conferences?

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In this unprecedented time of working from home, it can be easy to forget what the outside world looks like.  As mentioned in previous posts that included images from Edison’s laboratory and machine shop  and images from the Adams Building, the Carol M. Highsmith Archive hosted by the Prints & Photographs Division of the Library of Congress is an absolute treasure trove of free-to-use images of all kinds, including botanical images like those below.  If you’re ready to spruce up your video conference calls and bring nature indoors, try these images as your background:

A luxurient field of bluebonnets, the state flower, near Marble Falls in the Texas Hill Country.
An abundant Hydrangea paniculata bush of pink and white flowers, informally and affectionately known as “pinkie winkies,” in the garden at the Southeastern Vermont Welcome Center in Guilford.
French quarter balcony with classic ironwork, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Flowers at the Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona.
Flower farm in West Suffield, Connecticut.

Clicking on the images will take you to the item record, where you can view and download them.  For curated images from the Library’s collection that are in the public domain, see the Free to Use and Reuse Sets where images vary from horses to antique maps to WPA posters and more.

Comments (2)

  1. Want to add background for Zoom

    • If you are asking about how to use Zoom and background images or to comply with the specifications of other video conferencing applications, please see their respective help pages.

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