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Archive: 2020 (9 Posts)

Black and White photograph Signing of the Japanese surrender document aboard the U.S.S. “Missouri” in Tokyo Bay, Sept. 2, 1945.

Historical Science Collections from WWII to the Postwar Period

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

During the World War II, the countries involved pushed to advance scientific, technological and medical (STM) research for the war effort. The Library of Congress houses substantial material of original photos, reports, correspondence and manuscripts on scientific, technological and medical research conducted by the United States, Nazi Germany, Imperialist Japan and Fascist Italy

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

What’s for Lunch? 2020 Earth and Space Science Talks at the Library of Congress

Posted by: Jennifer Harbster

In partnership with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the Science, Technology, and Business Division 2020 lecture series will delve into topics such as Greenland meltwater, space telescopes, tracking wildfire smoke, Earth's electrical fields, and icy ocean worlds in our solar system.