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Discovering Science Collections Virtually at the Library of Congress, Nov 16

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Library of Congress subject specialists from the Science Reference Section will provide an overview of the historical science and technology collections at the Library of Congress in a webinar on Tuesday, November 16th from 2:00- 3:00 p.m. E.S.T.

All that are interested are invited. Please use the following link to request webinar registration information:

Individuals requiring accommodations for this event are asked to submit a request at least five business days in advance by contacting (202) 707-6362 or [email protected].

Traite elementaire de chimie by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. Paris : Cuchet, 1789, plate 4

The Library of Congress collections are robust in both the history of science and the history of technology. Both collections comprise two major elements: the seminal works of science and technology themselves and historiographies on notable scientific and technological works. Science subject specialists will provide an overview of these collections with an emphasis on those that are available online. Instruction will cover research strategies, library search tools, and online resources to discover these rare and seminal scientific works.

For more information or questions about this orientation or future orientations please use our Science Ask –a- Librarian Service.

We hope that you can join us virtually on November 16!

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Comments (2)

  1. I have a vision problem an was wondering if you have audio versions of what you offer. I can read, but miss a lot of important information. Can you help?

    • Hi Beth! The slides used in these virtual sessions are more for illustrative purposes rather than informational. We are reaching out to our ADA office to find out what else we can do to assist you.

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