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Black and White photograph of school girls carrying Aroostook potatoes on a stick in Presque, Maine,1947
Schoolgirls from Presque Isle, Maine carrying Aroostook potatoes on sticks as part of a parade, 1940. Jack Delano, photographer. Library of Congress Office of War Information Photograph Collection.

Potatoes: Such an Exemplary Vegetable

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Today’s guest post is from Carlyn Grace Osborn, a librarian on temporary assignment to the Science Reference Section at the Library of Congress. You can usually find her over on the Signal blog, where she writes about the By the People crowdsourced transcription program and shares information on new collections on the Library’s website.

Front cover of the 1918 Book of Potato Cookery in which the authors calls the potato a noble tuber
Front cover of Mrs. Mary Wade’s 1918 “Book of Potato Cookery.”