Mateo Gonzalez, 2022 Junior Fellow, answers five questions about his work with the Science, Technology and Business Division on the Hispanic Americans in Business and Entrepreneurship research guide.
In June 1934, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Securities & Exchange Act, one of the most important pieces of legislation that regulates business in the United States.
The Library of Congress Science, Technology & Business Division and Health Services Division have collaborated with expert scientists to provide the public with insights about COVID-19 in Asia in a virtual program on June 22.
Garfinckel's was a prominent department store chain that catered to elite consumers, including government leaders and their wives, and carved out a high-end retail niche in Washington, DC for 85 years.
An approximate notion of the bulk of the business may be gathered from the statement that Mr. Woolworth imports a larger tonnage of toys and tree ornaments than all other United States buyers put together, or over one half of the product of the world.