Join us in the Whittall Pavilion where Dr. Jeremy Brown, author of The Eleventh Plague: Jews and Pandemics from the Bible to COVID-19, will discuss how plagues and pandemics have shaped the history of the Jewish people.
The Great Depression brought a lot of turmoil to American banks and in 1933 President Roosevelt created a "bank holiday" as a way for the government to stabilize the situation; he then took to the radio to explain the situation in his first Fireside Chat.
Many Black home cooks may have on their bookcase, or have seen in their mother's collection, a copy of "The Ebony Cookbook: Date with a Dish." This cookbook was the creation of Freda De Knight, who was the first food editor for "Ebony," and author of the monthly food column “A Date with a Dish,” which premiered in Ebony in 1946.