The Library's Health Services Division and Science Section are co-sponsoring a free webinar on forecasting respiratory diseases for this winter (2024). The webinar will be held on September 19, from 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. (EDT) and will feature two experts in the field from the C.D.C. and Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control at HKU School of Public Health.
Are you wondering what to do with your rhubarb harvest? Do you want to be adventurous and try something a bit different than the traditional strawberry rhubarb pie or jam? Check out some recipes for rhubarb marmalade and more from the Library's digital collections of early community cookbooks.
The Science Section of the Library of Congress has created a new reference guide to celebrate the double emergence of periodical cicadas this summer (2024).
On May 22, join the Library's Health Services Division and Science Section for the online program "Brain Health, Wellness and Aging: Hear from the Experts" with Dr. Sandra Weintraub and Dr. Molly Mather. See the blog post for registration information.
In 1939, the Library of Congress opened a new building: the Library’s John Adams Building, which was originally called “The Annex.” In celebration of the 85th anniversary of the opening of the Adams Building to the public, the Science and Business Reading Room, on the fifth floor of Adams, is holding an open house on April 18, 2024, from 5:00- 8:00 p.m. “Live! At the Library: A Night at the Adams” invites guests to explore the reading room with tours, curated displays, and a scavenger hunt. Check out our post for a link to get tickets!
Explore the life and work of naturalist, conservationist, and trailblazer Gloria Hollister Anable (1900-1988) who, in the 1930s, established records for the deepest ocean dives completed by a woman!