If you missed our business orientation in June, join us for another short webinar on our business collections at 1pm (EDT) on Wednesday, September 13. Since we can't show you everything in 30 minutes, we'll be using items related to Andrew Carnegie and the steel industry as examples of what you might uncover in these collections!
The Library of Congress Science Reference Section and Technical Reports Section are creating an open access collection of Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) materials, which have previously been accessible only onsite. The collection starts with material from two of the OSRD’s administrative divisions, Division 12: Transportation and Division 16: Optics & Camouflage. Information on topics such as amphibious vehicle studies, DUKW design, bridge, ponton and ferry designs and much more, can be found in reports in Division 12 (Transportation). The Optics/ Camouflage (Division 16) collection includes reports on topics such as aerial photography, camouflage applications, periscopes and other optical instruments.
Have you ever wondered what it takes to get a traveling circus on the road? 2023 Junior Fellow Hannah Meyer has written a post that takes a look under the big top.
Read about the two new entries to Business Reference's This Month in Business History project; one on A. Philip Randolph and one on the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters.
Michelle Cadoree Bradley, who began her professional career at the Library of Congress in 1989, is retiring after 34 years of service with the Library's Science, Technology and Business Division.