As part of a short series with the Sesquicentennial as a jumping off point, I used the 1860 Census in an earlier post as a way to find out more about the people living at the time of the Civil War. In this second post I wanted to show how Business staff might answer a …
I was on the hunt for some information on Panama Canal bonds and saw the item featured in today’s Pic of the Week. The glorious cover caught my attention and I just had to know more. I brought it back to my desk and had Jan Herd, who speaks Spanish, look at it so we …
I was recently at a dinner party where the gracious hostess embellished the dining room table with Sweethearts, also known as Conversation Hearts and Sweet Talks. As you can imagine, the guests questioned the history of these sweethearts and turned to me for an answer. I promised that when I returned to the Library that …
My mother has tried nearly every contemporary diet ever conceived, which has resulted in her becoming a collector of diet books. Through my mother’s obsession with diet programs, I have become familiar with a variety of weight loss fads and trends–from the Cabbage Soup Diet to the Blood Type Diet, and from the Flat Belly …