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Category: Advertising

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Featured Advertisement: Cracker Jack

Posted by: Yvonne Dooley

On this day in 1918 the featured Cracker Jack ad appeared in Washington, D.C.’s Evening Star suggesting folks ship the treat to troops overseas for Thanksgiving. The fine print in the middle of the ad states: Cracker Jack is a favorite with soldiers and sailors everywhere. They learned to love it before the war, and …

Silver stylized owl with radiant circles around its head, surrounded by a gold frame

Featured (Spooky) Advertisement: Cafe Republique

Posted by: Ellen Terrell

While I have yet to figure out a good business-themed post for Halloween, I did find this spooky 1910 advertisement for Café Republique at 15th and F NW Streets in Washington, D.C. which was not too far from the White House. Café Republique opened in September 1910 and seems to have been a fairly nice …