This post was authored by Nanette Gibbs, Business Reference Librarian in the Science, Technology, and Business Division. This is a teaser for a series of posts in 2018 to celebrate the New Orleans Tricentennial so stay tuned. Mention Mr. Bingle to just about anyone from New Orleans and they will probably smile and sing the …
When I was writing the posts about the Capitol dome, I wrote one about the firm of Janes, Fowler, & Kirtland Co. and in the post I included an image of one of the stoves they manufactured. At the time, I was pretty confident that I wouldn’t be doing much more research on cast iron …
If you have spent any time looking at old newspapers, you have likely run across ads for all sorts of patent medicines. But there was one – Castoria – that really stands out. The history of this product dates back to patent 77,758 A issued to Dr. Samuel Pitcher on May 12, 1868, and was …