So what are trade cards? Trade cards would have acted much as a modern business card would, though they were a bit more than that. Read this post to find out more.
The quote “Advertising has a thousand principles, one purpose, and no morals” caught my eye and I had to know more about it, the man who wrote it, and how it fit into the history of advertising in America.
2020 Junior Fellow Sophie Lefebvre explores advertising in telephone books and offers some suggestions for exploring and understand advertising though telephone books.
July is National Ice Cream Month and for those interested in studying the history and the industry, the Library of Congress has resources that can help.
I hope everyone has done their food shopping for their New Year’s Day feasts. In 1918, the Perth Amboy Evening News was doing its part to help shoppers by running this advertisement on December 27th for the Perth Amboy City Market (owned and operated by Morris M. Shumsky and William P. Shumsky). It was designed …
This post was authored by Nanette Gibbs, Business Reference Librarian in the Science, Technology, and Business Division. This is a teaser for a series of posts in 2018 to celebrate the New Orleans Tricentennial so stay tuned. Mention Mr. Bingle to just about anyone from New Orleans and they will probably smile and sing the …
When I was writing the posts about the Capitol dome, I wrote one about the firm of Janes, Fowler, & Kirtland Co. and in the post I included an image of one of the stoves they manufactured. At the time, I was pretty confident that I wouldn’t be doing much more research on cast iron …