Photocopiers have come long way. Most businesses, law firms, and libraries have one or more! There are even stores dedicated to making of copies and copiers in our homes. I wonder what Chester Carlson would think about that?
Guest blogger today is business reference librarian Ellen Terrell Many Americans may think Labor Day as the end of summer or a day of rest, parades, picnics, or store sales. Labor Day is so much more. The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 at the behest of the Central Labor …
Today’s post is from our new business blogger-Ellen Terrell. I will be publishing her posts until her account is set up. It’s “that time of year” again. The time of year that either delights or bums out kids all over the country–the beginning of the school year. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has …